Tuesday, February 26, 2013


LMA made cookies for their lunches tomorrow. She even served us - very sweet - both the cookies and the baker.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Movies are so much better when you watch them in your own blanket fort. Fingers crossed they get a snow day tomorrow! They need a good nights rest after staying up watching the Oscars. LMA was very happy Jennifer and Anne won. Me... hate to say it but I think I've outgrown them.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Movie Night

The girls stayed at Grandma's last night so J and I had a date night of dinner and a movie. I remember the good ol' days when I would see at least one movie every weekend.

Tonight is family movie night and in preparation for our trip to DC we are watching National Treasure - the girls enjoy pointing out things and saying, "We're going to be there!"

And just for fun, I rearranged the family room... again.

Friday, February 22, 2013


LMA practicing for the talent show. She gets another American Girl doll for performing so she's not so concerned about winning but she has been working very hard. I'm so proud of her and just amazed at what she has accomplished in one week with this piece.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ice Ice Baby

Yucky drive home on the interstate.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bath time

I was taking a nice leisurely bath and reading on my iphone and I heard music. I opened the curtain to see this... I asked her what she was doing and she replied, "Waiting until you get out so we can play UNO."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mellow yellow

Didn't realize the girls matched until it was time to leave. LMA has been hard at work practicing for the talent show. She just got the music last Friday so she has exactly one month to learn the song...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

BD Part IV

We finished off the day with shopping for an outfit for LMA to wear to the talent show. And finally... dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. We are all tired but full and happy! Thanks J for being a sport! Another good day.


After the museum we stopped by the Plaza Frontenac - every time I go there I think of the Nelly lyrics, "shoppin out at Frontenac." Abby wanted to go to Breakfast at Tiffany's... I showed her that this is as close as it gets...

Busy Day Part II

Then we were off to the St. Louis Art Museum where they had an activity and a "highlights tour." I loved taking a pic of the girls in front of the Degas sculpture and Monet painting. They don't quite appreciate as much as I want them to but baby steps...

I did get to share my favorite painting 'Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion,' with J and the girls but I have a framed copy so they weren't that impressed with the original ;-(

Today was a precursor to DC - I can see it now, J stopping and reading about everything, LMA trying to find the 'cool stuff' (today it was the mummy), and E complaining the entire time that she wanted to color since it is, after all, an art museum. Joy...

Busy day... Part I

We started with a trip to Sam's Club followed by ice skating in Forest Park. E really struggled and even hit her head but insisted it was the best part of her day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


True to form we went out to eat at McDonald's for Valentine's Day. We ended up here on VD a few years ago and no one was there so now we go every Feb 14th. When the girls ask us to go we tell them we have to wait until VD so it will be special. ;-)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Poor Monkey

I walked into the bedroom to find her like this...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sick baby girl

Feeling bad for making E go on a long walk today and telling her to keep up. She said she didn't feel well and we thought she was just pretending so we'd carry her. Well she just woke up with a temp of 101.4. Now I'm blogging and she's watching Hotel Transylvania and planning what she's going to do tomorrow when she hangs out with daddy. Poor little bug hope the Tylenol kicks in soon.

Easy like a Sunday morning

or afternoon. Wonderful day for a walk.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why does family movie night always end with a wrestling match between these two?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Joys of parenting

LMA came home from school crying and said a boy grabbed her wrist and pushed on her pinky finger for no reason. Now it's swollen and bruised.

Visit to the nurse for a splint - free
Mr piggy cold pack - $5
Going to bat for your child and then finding out they started it all - PRICELESS

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ballerina Girls

Tonight we made Valentine "boxes" for school. We also had an impromptu performance by two pretty ballerina girls who danced and danced to 'Just a fool' by Christina & Blake. LMA even cleared up some lyric issues for us - I thought she sings "hammer time" - J whispered that he thought she says "camel toe" - and LMA told us she says "held my tongue." So glad we have a translator in our family... and that it's not Jason.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

Put on your game face! Go 49ers!


Boys with toys...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sweet Dreams

Felicity's new loft bed made by daddy - with help from his two best girls. Still needs to be painted and we'll make the bedding tomorrow but the girls are pleased. E has decided she would like one when she gets her AGD for her 6th b-day.

On a side note LMA went ice skating for the first time today for her cousin's b-day and Auntie K had to stop at the dollar tree to buy socks for LMA. LMA was very impressed and all I've heard her talk about is how everything is only $1 and I really need to see all the awesome stuff they sell... for only $1!

2013 Family To Do List Rev 1

Cancelled the Great Wolf Lodge Trip and Disney On Ice and moved the Branson trip to this summer. We're going to DC instead. Yippee! Just got tickets to the St Louis Symphony in June for their 1812 Overture concert. LMA has requested a Cardinals game so we're adding that to the list but other than that our Exciting Adventures 2013 are right on schedule. I may be more excited than LMA to see T. Swift in concert... just sayin'...

The Lily Pad

Revamp complete and I am now enjoying a 3 day weekend.